What makes Ananda Hatha yoga different?
Affirmations, written by Pamahansa Yogananda, are said during most poses which help to direct the energy in the positive channels. While holding poses we focus also heavily on your breath.

Dancing Shiva Pose (Natrajsana)
"While I move through life, I am anchored in myself."
"While I move through life, I am anchored in myself."
Side-Angle Pose
"I’m a fountain of boundless energy & joy."
"I’m a fountain of boundless energy & joy."
Seated Mountain Pose
"My thoughts and energy rise up to touch the sky."
"My thoughts and energy rise up to touch the sky."
Warrior Pose
"I joyfully manifest the power
of gods."
"I joyfully manifest the power
of gods."
Tree Pose
"I am calm I am poised."
"I am calm I am poised."
Triangle Pose
"Energy and joy floods my body cells, joy descends to me."
"Energy and joy floods my body cells, joy descends to me."